Database Lookup Button Properties - Locator Alternatives

You can set the following properties for a Locator Alternatives Lookup button:


To change the anchor settings click the arrow next to the list and click the positions where you want to place the anchor. The property is visible only for elements that are located on the validation form and not for the folder pane on the validation form. The value for this option is set to Top, Left by default.

Database Lookup

Properties for configuring the database lookup.

Data Source Type

Select None, Locator Alternatives, Fuzzy Database, Associative Search Database, or Relational Database.

Data Source

Select the data source from the list.

Dialog Caption

Set the caption of the search results window that displays when the database lookup button is clicked.

When you click the button to the right, the Translations window is displayed, where you can define different translations for the caption.

List Caption

Set the label that is displayed at the top of the search results window to provide guidance to Validation users.

When you click the button to the right, the Translations window is displayed, where you can define different translations for the caption.

Field Mappings

Map the Destination Fields on the validation form with the Sources fields from the locator in the Field Mappings window.


The x and y values for the location of a field on the validation form in pixels. You can change the position of the button on the validation form by selecting it and dragging it to the desired position.


A default name for the button is automatically provided such as Button0. You can change the name by editing the text field. This value is used when referencing the button in script.


Toggle the direction that text is displayed. Set this property to TRUE if you are using a language that is written from right to the left. The value for this option is set to FALSE by default.


A function key (F5 - F12) or any combination of a function key with the Shift or Ctrl key for quick access to the button functionality.

Important These function shortcuts are not supported when using Thin Client Validation. However, the modal keyboard shortcuts that are part of Thin Client Validation are still available. Press Ctrl in Thin Client Validation to get a list of available keyboard shortcuts.

The width and height of a button or field in pixels. You can change the size of the button on the validation form. Select the button and resize it as needed.


Edit the text to change the button caption. For example, Search.

When you click the button to the right, the Translations window is displayed, where you can define different translations for the caption.