Custom entities

Kofax Transformation Modules enables you to define your own custom entities, in any of the supported languages as long as the corresponding language pack is installed. This means that when a specific entity is located on a document, the custom entity file is referenced to determine the extracted result.

For example, your company provides products that are broken down into categories, and these categories each have multiple model numbers. For basic correspondence, the model number is not needed, but the category is always needed. Because of this, you can provide a custom entity file that contains a list of model numbers for each category. When extraction is performed, a model number is recognized, but the category is returned in the extraction results.

Custom entities are stored in a folder structure and entity files must have a specific extension and file format.

If you modify or create a new custom entity file, you must stop the Natural Language Processing engine to ensure that your changes are available the next time a document is processed. The NLP engine restarts automatically the next time that it is needed.