Optimize line item tables

Kofax ReadSoft Invoices can sometimes interpret line item tables automatically. However, if invoices from a particular supplier have repeated interpretation problems, optimize the table in Optimize to improve interpretation. Use the procedure described below, which results in a line item template.

If a line item table appears on multiple invoice pages, the table and any line item variations can be optimized on any page where they are found.

  1. Select a line item table in the Data objects box in the Learning dialog . The Line item learning dialog is displayed.
  2. Adjust the line item table boundaries.
  3. Draw a frame around the line item.
  4. Draw frames around the line item fields.
  5. Optional: Right-click each line item field in the Line item learning dialog and select Properties to adjust the settings.
  6. If some line items have different layouts, repeat steps 3-5 for each line item with a different layout.
  7. Draw a frame around the line item header.
  8. Click OK to save the line item template, which is now Learned.