Invoice Header Locator

Invoice Header Locator icon This locator extracts the most commonly used data from an invoice. Because this locator does not depend on layout, you do not need to classify invoices by supplier and design different extraction schemes for each supplier.

The Invoice Header Locator locates the following header data:

  • Invoice Number

  • Invoice Date

  • Order Number

  • Order Date

The locator also finds the following amount data:

  • Invoice Total Amount

  • Net Value

  • Tax Amount

  • Tax Rate

  • Currency

The Invoice Header Locator evaluates results from other locators and picks the correct values from the results of these input locators. Define the following format locators before adding the Invoice Header Locator. The Invoice Header Locator needs to reference these format locators.

  • InvoiceNumbers (Format Locator)

  • OrderNumbers (Format Locator)

  • Amounts (Format Locator)

  • Dates (Format Locator)

You do not need to configure keywords or regions, only define the formats. This approach yields many results. Taking the results from these locators, the Invoice Header Locator attempts to pick the optimal combination of values as the final result.

Manage an Invoice Header Locator through the following tabs: