The eCopy Bates/Endorsement Service

The eCopyBates/Endorsement Service adds an electronic 'stamp' to each page of the scanned document. The stamp comprises an endorsement, which includes a unique page number, a text message, which can include any standard required text, and the date and time. Two format types are supported:

  • System formats: You can create a range of basic formats that can be used or modified.
  • User formats: You can create formats at the device by modifying an existing system format and saving it under a new name. You can modify most of the format attributes except for the position and the margin. You can modify the text message only if you select the Allow User Modify option when you create the format.

Page numbering

When you create a Bates/Endorsement format, you specify the starting page number. By default, each document that is scanned using that format uses the same starting page number. However, you can control the page numbering by performing any of the following tasks:

  • Manually specifying the starting page number when you select a Bates/Endorsement format.
  • Using a checkpoint: When users want to number a collection of separate documents sequentially, you can create a Checkpoint identifier.
  • Using the options available on the Document sent successfully screen.

Configuring the service

When you have enabled the service for the system, you can select and enable it for individual connector profiles, and can create numbering formats that users can select at the device.

Enable the service
  1. In the Administration Console, select the Configure Services tab. The tab displays a list of available services.
  2. Select the service name. The service configuration and the settings pane open.
  3. On the configuration pane, select Configuring Service: Bates/Endorsement and then click Save. The service is configured to use the formats shown in the format list.

To add more format options, create new formats.

Create a new Bates/Endorsement format

  1. On the configuration pane, click New. A new format is added to the format list with a default name of New.
  2. Select the format and, under Configure Format on the Settings pane, and type a name for the new format.
  3. Use the Settings pane to specify the format settings. As you specify the settings, the Sample Document area displays the results of the settings as they appear on the page.
  4. When the format appears correctly, click Save. The new format is saved with your settings.

To modify an existing format, select the format in the list, modify the settings, and click Save. The change is that the settings take effect for all connector profiles that use the format.

Bates/Endorsement format settings

The following settings are available for the Bates/Endorsement service:

Configure Format settings



Configure format

The Bates/Endorsement format setting.

Format name

The Bates/Endorsement format name.

Note: The Bates/Endorsement format name cannot be empty.

Endorsement settings

Endorsement settings always include the page number and can also include a prefix and a suffix. The service numbers pages are sequentially from the specified starting point. You can specify a Checkpoint and thus enable related documents to be numbered continuously.




The text to display before the page number.

Space left

The number of spaces to insert before the page number. The default value is 2.


The starting page number. The default value is 00001.

Space right

The number of spaces to insert after the page number. The default value is 2.


The text to display after the page number.


The date to display after the suffix.


The time to display after the date.

Auto-scale option allows you to auto-scale down the scanned image to allow the Bates number to be printed on each page without interfering with the scanned image during a single scanning session.

Text Message settings

The Text Message is a standard message that is stamped on every page, such as a copyright notice, a legal statement, or a disclaimer.



Message (optional)

The text message that is printed on each page (optional).

Press Ctrl+Enter to start a new line. Only two lines of text message are supported.

Allow user modify

Allows users to modify the message at the device by marking Enabled.

Font and Justification settings

You can configure the font and justification settings for the Endorsement and the Text Message separately. The same settings are available for each of them.




The font for the endorsement. When the Font dialog box pops up, use the drop down menu to set the following font attributes:

  • Type (the default value is Arial).
  • Style (the default value is Regular).
  • Size (the default value is 10).
  • Effects (Strikeout and Underline options are available).
  • Color (the default value is Black). The selected non-black color is applied only on color pages (when the Auto-Color / Full Color scanner setting was selected).
  • Script (the default value is Western).

You can see text example in the Sample window.

Font style

The style (Bold or Italic) of the font.

Font effects

Enables underlining by marking Underline.


The position (Left, Right, or Center) for the endorsement or the text message. The default value is Right.

Position settings

Position settings specify where the Bates/Endorsement is put on the page.

You cannot modify position settings at the device.




The alignment (Top, Bottom, or Right). The default value is Bottom.


The distance to place text from the vertical edges of the page. The default value is 0.25.


The unit of measurement (inches or millimeters) for the margin. The default value is inches.

Numbering related documents

The Checkpoints feature enables you to automatically add continuous page numbering to a set of related documents. Once you have configured a Checkpoint, you can scan any number of documents at any time and all the pages are numbered sequentially. For example, if you create a sequence called KP1 and select this identifier before scanning each of two 10-page documents, the pages of the first document are numbered 1 through 10, and the pages of the second document are numbered 11 through 20.

You must create the Checkpoint identifier before you scan the first document. Also, because Checkpoints are device-specific, you cannot create a Checkpoint at device A and use the same sequence to scan from device B.

Create a new Checkpoint identifier
  1. On the main Bates/Endorsement screen, press Checkpoint.
  2. In the Checkpoints field, enter a Checkpoint identifier.
  3. Press Open.

Make sure that you select the Checkpoint identifier that you want to use before you scan the first document.

Continue numbering using an existing sequence
  1. On the main Bates/Endorsement screen, press Checkpoint.
  2. In the Checkpoints list, select a Checkpoint.
  3. Press the folder icon to return to the main Bates/Endorsement screen.

Since the software can only save a limited number of Checkpoints, make sure that you delete Checkpoints when you are finished using them.

Delete a Checkpoint
  1. On the main Bates/Endorsement screen, press Checkpoint.
  2. In the Checkpoints list, select the Checkpoint that you want to delete.
  3. Press the red X (Delete).
  4. Press Cancel to close the dialog box and return to the main Bates/Endorsement screen.

Activating the service for connector profiles

After enabling the service on the system and creating endorsement formats, you can activate the service for one or more connector profiles.

Activate the service for a connector profile
  1. On the Configure Connectors pane, select the connector name.
  2. Select the connector profile that you want to modify.
  3. In the Settings pane, under Services, enable Bates/Endorsement.
  4. Click the Save current profile button. The system saves your settings as part of the connector profile.
  5. Repeat for any additional Connectors.
Bates/Endorsement works as follows for other services that you select:

  • Batching: Numbering is continuous in a document that is split into several batches.
  • Blank page removal: When this feature is enabled, blank pages are removed from the document and then Bates/Endorsement is applied, resulting in uninterrupted sequential numbering.

The Bates/Endorsement Service is turned on automatically when the bates format name matches the corresponding profile name. This works for scanner workflows as well from 5.4 SP1.

Scanning with the Bates/Endorsement Service

When Bates/Endorsement is available on the system and enabled for a Connector, the Bates/Endorsement button (a page with a rubber stamp) appears in the scan preview window on the eCopy-enabled device. You can press the button to activate the service for the current scan and choose the endorsement format that you want to use for the document.

If the Bates/Endorsement button does not appear on the screen, the service is not enabled for the connector profile that you are using.
Use the service:
  1. Scan the document and review the scanned pages.
  2. Press the Bates/Endorsement button on the Preview screen to view the default settings.
  3. Use the On/Off button to enable or disable Bates/Endorsement for this scan job.
  4. Select a format from the Formats list. The service displays the default settings for the format.
  5. To modify the prefix, suffix, or page number, press the keyboard button next to the corresponding field, type the text, and press OK.
  6. Press Font to configure the following settings:
    • To modify the amount of space before or after the page number, use the up and down arrows.
    • To change the font size, or style, or set the position of the endorsement, enter the settings, and then press OK. (You cannot change the font name at the device).
  7. To view or modify the text message and appearance, press Text on the main Bates/Endorsement screen.
  8. Type any changes to the message, the alignment, and the font size and style, then press OK.
  9. To set the date and time, use the Date and time lists to select the format.
  10. When you finish specifying the settings, press OK to return to the scan preview screen.

    The Checkpoint feature enables you to add continuous page numbering to a set of related documents.

  11. When you have scanned and sent your document, you can use the post scanning options.