Advanced Zone Properties dialog

There are some zone/template settings that are necessary only for the Smart Forms Extender. These extended settings can be configured by selecting a zone or a template and pressing the ... button at the Advanced settings property. This opens a dialog where the ShareScan specific zone/template settings can be modified.

The Advanced Zone Properties consist of the following settings:

Minimum accepted confidence: When a template is matched then every zone has a confidence value which describes the probability that a zone value is properly recognized. Larger confidence percentage results in more certainty in proper zone value recognition. At this setting, a minimum acceptable confidence percentage can be defined... If the confidence of the recognized zone is smaller than the value specified here then the zone is marked with Low confidence error label. This error label can be reviewed later at the Validation screen (if configured) and it can be an indication that some error might have happened during recognition and the zone value may need to be corrected.

In the Forms Processing Extender this parameter could be configured by the Confidence zone property in the template editor.

Show zone value on validation screen: This setting controls whether the zone value should be displayed at the validation screen or not. In the FPE, this parameter could be configured by the Show Value zone property.

Add: adds a new zone operation set to the list

Move up: moves the selected row upwards

Move down: moves the selected row downwards

Remove: removes selected zone operation set

Remove all: removes all zone operation sets

The Advanced Zone Properties can be viewed in categorized or alphabetical order.