Configure an Exchange connector with Modern Authentication

This topic describes the second part of the fourth configuration task in the process of setting up eCopy ShareScan connectors and email watchers to use modern authentication.

Perform this task in the eCopy ShareScan Administration Console after you have successfully

  • registered a Microsoft 365 application for Token Vault through the Microsoft Identity Platform (Azure Active Directory) admin center
  • registered a Microsoft 365 authorization provider with Exchange scope set in Token Vault
  • authorized Token Vault in Microsoft 365 through a Token Vault Microsoft 365 authorization provider
  • configured Token Vault settings in the ShareScan Administration Console under Advanced > Tools.

To configure an Exchange eCopy connector (Exchange Mail or Fax via Exchange) with Exchange Online and modern authentication, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Properties dialog of an Exchange connector profile. This profile needs to be configured with Exchange Web Services or LDAP / Exchange Web Services protocols.
  2. Go to the Web Services tab and select Use Exchange Online with Modern Authentication.
  3. Ensure that the user specified in the Credentials group (on the Protocols tab) has previously authorized Token Vault for Microsoft 365 – as described in Authorize a Microsoft 365 provider in Token Vault. To specify a user name use the DOMAIN\username format.
  4. Click Test. (If the above authorization was not completed before the test, the test fails.)
  5. At this point you are ready to invite your end-users to carry out their own authorization step on the Token Vault Available authorization providers page. Once this end-user authorization step is complete, the use of modern authentication in the supported connectors is operational.