
The controls you find in this group depend on the which processing mode you select.

Form Processing Mode

When Form processing mode is selected, this section looks like this:

Template Library: Here, the user can select the template library that should be used with the Smart Forms Extender profile. Use the Template Editor to create Template Libraries.

Launch Template Editor: Press this button to launch the Form Template Editor.

Template Selection Accuracy: Here you can select the accuracy of OCR operation used to identify template matches. If you select the fast mode then Smart Forms Extender may not found every template match when the page quality is lower. If you select accurate OCR method, then Smart Forms Extender finds template matches even if the pages are not very high quality but the processing takes more time. Available settings:

  • Accurate: The most accurate but slowest recognition mode (Default).
  • Fast: The fastest but least accurate recognition mode.
  • Balanced: Mid-level accuracy/speed recognition mode.

Template Recognition Accuracy: Here you can select the accuracy of OCR operation used to retrieve zone values when matching templates are found. The same options are available here as in case of the previous setting.

Full-page Barcode Recognition Mode

When Full-page barcode recognition is selected, this section looks like this:

Encoding: The collection of enabled barcode symbology used during barcode recognition.

Regular Expression: The regular expression that should match the recognized barcode value otherwise the recognized barcode is ignored.

The functionality covered in this section works the same way as in FPE.