Data Publishing Mapper tool

Various components publish data using the ShareScan Manager Data Publishing interface. Connectors use this data to authenticate backend, to send the final document to its destination, and to store the final document. Potential data sources include ShareScan Manager, in-house document services, and third-party document services.

The Data Publishing Mapper tool in the ShareScan Administration Console enables you to map published values to values requested by connectors. ShareScan Clients, with a user interface or without a user interface, can use the mapping information.

To access the tool, select the Advanced tab, click Tools in the Configure area, and then select Data Publishing Mapper. The Data Publishing Mapper dialog box appears. The tool can also be accessed from connector's settings.

Data Publishing Mapper settings

The keys published by the ShareScan Manager, by document services, and by third-party services, along with information about them, appear in the first three columns in the grid; connector keys, along with information about them, appear in the last three columns in the grid. The tool displays the warnings icon if source keys (published keys) and destination keys (connector keys) do not match. For the keys to match, their type and format must be the same.

The following table summarizes the settings you use to map a published key to a connector key.

You cannot modify the type or the format of keys published by ShareScan Manager or by Document Services.



Published Key

You can add a key manually by typing a key name in the Published Key cell.


You can edit the Type value only for published keys that you add manually. The following types are available: Boolean, Datetime, Float, Integer, and String.


You can edit the Format value only for published keys that you add manually, and only for some types of keys. The following formats are available:

  • Date format (default is MM/dd/yyyy).
  • Time format (default is None).
  • String format (default is None).

Note: You cannot modify the format of the Boolean, Float, and Integer types.

Numeric and Alphanumeric options are available.

Connector key

If a key name is duplicated in the Published Key list or the Connector Key list, the key name has an index associated with it in the list. At run time, the system uses the actual key name, not the key name with the index.

At run time, ShareScan Manager converts incoming published keys to connector keys for the specified connector profile and adds them to the publishing interface. Connectors can access the values from the publishing interface.


Not modifiable.


Not modifiable.

Default value

Default value is used when no key is available or the key is empty.

Preserve value

When creating a new document, the barcode value from the previous scan will be used, even if the new scanned document has a barcode.


Enables you to open an XML file to load publishers’ keys.


Enables you to delete an entry.


Enables you to save the mapping table.


Enables you to filter the keys that appear in the table:

  • Published Keys: Enables you to select the filter that you want to apply to the Published Keys in the table. Show All displays all keys from all publishers and their profiles. Common Keys displays keys that are common to all the profiles for the System publisher.
  • Connector Keys: Enables you to select the filter that you want to apply to the connector keys in the table. Show All displays all keys from all publishers and their profiles. Common Keys displays keys that are common to all the profiles for the System publisher. Default displays only the keys that are specific to a connector profile.

The filtered keys appear in a list in the Published Key and Connector Key columns. When you apply a filter and then click a new cell, the tool displays only the items that correspond to the filter.

Dialog Pin/UnPin button

Clicking the Pin button makes the window a topmost window, if its current status is “Not on Top”. If the current status is “On Top” and you click the Pin button, the position is no longer “On Top”.

DataPublishing XML for Mapping

Third-party services can publish their mapping variables in an XML file. If the variables are not published in an XML document, you must enter them manually.

The keys can be published for specific profiles or can be published as common keys that are applicable to all the profiles. If a profile-specific key and a common key the same ID, the connector uses the profile-specific key. The ShareScan Manager uses the common key format for all other profiles at run time.

Use case example

This use case scenario presents a way for configuring the SMTP Mail connector of ShareScan to use Data Publishing with the values derived from the Forms Processing Extender.

  1. Start the ShareScan Administration Console.
  2. Start the Forms Processing Extender.
  3. Open the form you want to use.
  4. Create three anchors on the document, as well as zones for the To, From, Program, and Student ID fields.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Navigate to the Data Publishing Mapper, and map the To, From, Program, and Student ID fields to the SMTP Mail connector, ensuring that the Published Keys for the respective fields are mapped to the correct connector keys: for example, Published Key To (FormsProcessingExtender.ELS) should be mapped to connector key SMTPMail_To (LDAPandSMTP.auth).
  7. Close the Data Publishing Mapper.
  8. Navigate to the Logon/SMTP tab of the Properties menu of the SMTP Mail connector profile you want to use. Set None: Send from generic e-mail address specified by Data Publishing as Authentication, select the Allow user to modify check box, and enter the default generic email and SMTP server settings you want to useThis will allow the connector to use the relevant Data Publishing values from the From field.
  9. Configure the Sending options tab of the connector to utilize the $$SUBJECT$$ (for Default Subject field) and $$NOTE$$ (for Default Note field) tokens (Student ID and Program Data Publishing keys), and select Default recipients and Data publishing from the Data publishing menu.
  10. Save the changes you made to the connector profile.
  11. Send the document through the SMTP Mail connector. The validation screen of the Forms Processing Extender will display the correct values.The From form of the connector should also automatically recognize the relevant value based on Data Publishing.The Send form will display the relevant, configured To, Subject and Notes values.

ShareScan allows you to implement batch-based routing and indexing in concert with Data Publishing for a number of connectors. For detailed, connector-specific steps, click Batching and routing in ShareScan.