Activity Monitor

The Activity Monitor enables you to monitor activity between one or more devices and the ShareScan Manager. This is useful for finding performance bottlenecks as it shows all activity and timing information in real time without the overhead of writing to a file.

To access and manage the activity log

  1. Choose Activity Monitor in the System group of the Home tab. The Activity area displays a list of all requests and status information.
  2. Click Start monitoring or Stop monitoring.
  3. In the Filter list, select Monitor all devices to view activity for all ShareScan enabled devices or select a specific device whose activity you want to view.
  4. Send a text version of the activity log to a file, right-click the list and then select Send to file.
  5. The Activity Monitor successfully written to file message appears and you can see the location where the log file is saved. Click OK.
  6. Click Clear to clear all existing entries from the activity log.

Activity Monitor Settings



Start Monitoring

Click this button to start monitoring.

Stop Monitoring

Click this button to stop monitoring.


Select none to view activity for all ShareScan enabled devices or select from a list a specific device whose activity you want to view.


Clears all entries.

Show the activity of virtual devices

Select this check box to show the activity of virtual devices.

Show the activity on all nodes

Select this check box to show the activity on all nodes.


Shows all Activity entries. You can send a text version of the activity log to a file by right clicking the list and selecting Send to file option.


Shows a Device type.


IP address of the Manager.


Date is presented in MM/dd/yyyy and time in AM/PM format.