Step by step invoice example

Process an invoice from the invoice example. Static fields must be set up to ensure that the document scanned is from the correct vendor and it is, in fact, an invoice.

  1. Go to the Services tab of the Administration Console and then click the Forms Processing Extender icon.
  2. Click Launch Configuration Utility.
  3. Click New under the Template Library Manager. Type "Invoice_example" as the file name.
  4. Click New to add a new template, then set the image path you want to use.
  5. Click Add Zone to create a new zone, and name it (as Invoice).
  6. Set the Zone Type to Static and the ShowValue property to False, so it does not display on the validation screen.
  7. Draw the first static zone on the image to identify the word “INVOICE” in the upper right.
  8. Click Add Zone again, name the new zone as "InvoiceDate", and set its type as Text.
  9. Draw the zone on the page. Note that the ReferenceZone is automatically set to InvoiceDate.
  10. Go to Advanced Properties, select Filters, and click "...".
  11. Select the RegEx Filter radio button from the displayed list.
  12. Enter the filter string to validate the text in the field is the proper date format, (0[1-9]|1[0-2])/(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/\d\d.
  13. Click OK, and check/show with the cursor that the Value property is 11/05/2010, and the Error property displays None.
  14. Click Add Zone, name the new Zone as "Invoice#", and leave the Zone Type as Text.
  15. Click Add Zone, name the new Zone as "InvoiceTotal", and leave the Zone Type as Text.
  16. Select the Filter property and the dialog box for filters will appear and select the RegEx radio button.
  17. Type ^\$[0-9]{1,6}+(\.[0-9][0-9]).
  18. Select OK to close the dialog box for filters and the value property should display $1,961.16 and the error "None".
  19. Select Save, then Exit from the File menu.
  20. Save the eCopy Forms Processing Extender by selecting Saveand saving the extender profile as AP Forms.
  21. Test the Form Template.
  22. Scan Document testing.

Regular Expressions

The eCopy Forms Processing Extender can use a wide variety of regular expressions for filtering purposes.

Below you can find a number of examples:

  • To check a car's plate number from a template: [A-Z0-9]+ or ([A-Z]{2}|([0-9]{3}))
  • To get a phone number from a name+phone number combination: (?<=,)[ 0-9]+
  • To search information on a given page after the Invoice Nbr.: (?<=invoice Nbr: *)[0-9]+

You can check this Regular Expression Library web page for a number of pre-generated regular expressions; the site includes a tester application which you can use for checking customized regular expressions for validity.

For more information on modifying and creating regular expressions, the site is recommended.