What's new
This topic chronicles new features in Tungsten e-Invoice Connect.
December 14, 2024
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect external API has been significantly extended with new methods.
We have made improvements in user account management: updated requests to create members, update members, load detailed information about members. We have added properties to send invoices, specify payment means, and transfer settings. We also added a group of requests to work with member payment means: now you can create, delete, refresh, and view this information.
We created new requests to send invoices: one of them allows you to send the invoice, and the other allows you to get status updates for the sent invoice.
The API for members who work with government portals has been significantly improved. Now the methods used to create a member, update a member, and obtain member details have new properties:
to enable clearance service provider usage
to display the clearance status
to display the retrieval status for the specified member in the clearance service provider
We also introduced new methods to onboard a member in the clearance service provider. One of the methods sends an onboarding request and the other returns the status of this request.
You can now use our API to search for recipients in our registry and in Peppol directory.
With this release, we added a functionality that allows you to track the number of invoices passed through API for a specified product. The information is organized by members of this product.
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect now supports closed networks. With a specific subscription level, a buyer can create their own network and invite the suppliers to join. With this, the supplier no longer has limits on the number of invoices they can send to this buyer per month. The suppliers can send a invoice to the buyer in the closed network with a single button click.
We changed the way the reference files are uploaded. Before, a single file could only contain one reference, but now several references in a single file are supported.
The API to upload the suppliers no longer limits the size of the request.
November 1, 2024
- The name of product changed from Invoice Portal to Tungsten e-Invoice Connect in November 2024.
March 23, 2024
Invoice Portal members now can receive invoices sent to them by a third party via a clearance service provider.
Invoice Portal now supports Belgian B2G PEPPOL-based e-invoicing mandate. The following party identifiers are now accepted: BE:EN and BE:VAT.
Invoice Portal now allows using PEPPOL directory to search for invoice recipients.
Invoice Portal is now capable of tracking invoice volume by country. Contact Tungsten e-Invoice Connect Administrator to obtain the corresponding reports if required.
We introduced support of new PEPPOL reporting requirements.
We now support Factur-X and ZugFERD invoice formats. Invoice Portal members can send invoices in these formats.
Invoice Portal now supports original invoices as attachments for invoices received via a clearance service provider.
Invoice Portal Member Administrator can now enforce two-factor authentication for all Members.
Invoice Portal can now mark recipient identifiers as "PEPPOL identifiers" to facilitate sending invoices to PEPPOL.
We introduced substitution of Supplier and Buyer endpoint IDs. This is useful when an organization has multiple entities under one umbrella and you want to send all invoices to one entity (for example, the main office).
We improved notification functionality. Now users can specify how they want to be notified about inbound and outbound rejected invoices. Customers can set it up in the user settings page.
We improved error messaging. Now customers can see a notification message in Invoice Portal that includes a description of the issue and a link to the corresponding invoice.
We introduced a functionality that allows customers to decline the received invoices manually.
We implemented the support of free text reference types in addition to previously existing reference types from the list of UNCL1153 codes.
Invoice Portal now supports FTP port 41667 and port 2222 for SFTP polling.
February 1, 2024
- The name of the company that provides Invoice Portal changed from Kofax to Tungsten Automation in January 2024.
September 18, 2023
Invoice Portal now supports MySQL 8.0.
Invoice Portal now accepts invoices larger than 32Mb.
It is now possible to configure partner and enterprise groups and see the statistics of prepaid invoice usage for group members.
We introduced an onboarding process with Tungsten network for members who want to use Tungsten as a third-party for certain tasks, such as clearance.
We improved our ability to process large volumes of invoices.
We improved performance of recipient import process.
We improved the process of manual invoice acceptance. In cases where the sender cannot be notified or invoice rejection is forbidden, you can manually manage invoices from the Rejected list. You can select a default recipient profile where all invoices from this list are sent. Alternatively, you can select a recipient profile for each rejected invoice individually.
We created a restricted user profile that can only view archived invoices.
We have extended our documentation with Troubleshooting and F.A.Q. sections where users can find instructions and solutions for frequently arising questions and issues.
December 17, 2022
We introduced an option to select a recipient profile for every rejected invoice that is handled manually.
For invoices that cannot be accepted due to validation errors and cannot be rejected automatically, you can now create a customized notification of rejection and specify your own contact details and message content in addition to the template content provided by Tungsten e-Invoice Connect.
It is now possible to specify custom rules for the delivery period in the recipient's profile.
The endpoint ID can be added to the list of the required party identifiers.
Member roles now include to view invoice archive option. With this role you cannot send or receive the invoices, but you can view the old invoices as far back as the membership level allows.
November 16, 2022
With this release comes significant performance improvement. We markedly increased the speed of handling the invoices during high-load periods.
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect now supports context-sensitive help. When you click the link to product help from a particular page, the help opens on the relevant article.
We introduced custom license functionality. For additional information on this feature, please contact the Tungsten e-Invoice Connect administrators.
The invoice logs both for recipients and senders now display the status information about invoices that were updated via REST API.
August 20, 2022
With this release you can specify exchange rate and exchange rate date for the tax currency in your invoice.
Both options become available in the Payment details section if the Tax currency differs from the invoice Currency.
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect now takes into account allowances and charges during the final invoice check.
The detailed identification data is now written to the response file if the recipient of the invoice is not found in the Tungsten e-Invoice Connect's database.
June 25, 2022
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect supports FI:OVT2, FI:NSI, and JP:SST as party identifiers to comply with latest Peppol requirements.
Under Type drop-down list:
, select the required type of identifier. Note that in many cases, the type is country-specific, so you must select the country first. After you select the country, in the-
For Finland: To use FI:OVT2, select TIEKE.
For Finland: To use FI:NSI, select Internal ID.
For Japan: To use JP:SST, select Organization ID.
With this release, you can select Internal ID as a party identifier type. The Internal ID type is not country-specific, therefore it is possible to select the type without indication of the country, if required by your company needs.
The National Location ID (NATLOC) party identifier type is now available in Tungsten e-Invoice Connect for all countries.
May 21, 2022
- The ReadSoft Online product name is rebranded to Kofax AP Essentials. The name change affects the user interface and the documentation.
- Tungsten e-Invoice Connect now adds document references information to an invoice line of PDF files.
March 26, 2022
- Sending (Invoice layout) and Receiving (File transport) settings are modified to include the Line separator in the PDF option. Select this option to add a separator between invoice lines if a PDF invoice consists of more than one line. This feature significantly improves the readability of your PDF invoices.
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect adds the field to set the party identifier detailed type. The Detailed type field is in many cases required and filled in automatically according to the selected party identifier.
Also, e-Invoice Connect now identifies detailed types used in incoming invoices to apply them later for your outgoing invoices.
For information about party identifiers, see Party identifiers.
February 19, 2022
- Tungsten e-Invoice Connect user interface elements and messages, as well as invoice properties and headings in generated PDF files, are localized into German. Click the language name to view the drop-down list of all available languages and select Deutsch to change the language to German.
The e-Invoice Connect documentation set now includes Tungsten e-Invoice Connect Features Guide available on the Product Documentation page. The document gives a high-level product overview with descriptions of key features and functionality.
January 22, 2022
- Tungsten e-Invoice Connect was checked against product security during external penetration testing. The results of the penetration testing were reviewed and analyzed, the vulnerabilities were fixed. The overall security posture was found to be excellent.
e-Invoice Connect supports validation of Australian Business Number as a party identifier. Also, in the supplier settings, you can specify tax scheme GST to enable invoice validation.
e-Invoice Connect supports Leitweg-ID as a party identifier.
December 18, 2021
- In the header area, click the Help icon to get the online assistance on the currently opened e-Invoice Connect page and view the procedures for using the product. The displayed documentation topic is related to the area in the product where you have clicked to request help.
When registering a German member, you are no longer required to specify the organization ID.
You can now access the Tungsten e-Invoice Connect API documentation from the Product Documentation page.
November 21, 2021
The Allow access via API.
page has been modified to allow access to your specific e-Invoice Connect account data. For more information, see
October 23, 2021
- Tungsten e-Invoice Connect introduces the two-factor authentication option. When you sign in to e-Invoice Connect, you need to provide two pieces of information, namely your password and the six-digit verification code that is automatically generated on your mobile phone two-factor authentication application, such as Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator. For more information, see Two-factor authentication.
The Support tab has been modified to provide assistance according to your membership level. For more information, see Support.
The File transport page has been modified to include the following elements:
The Receive additional invoice information in the PDF option to include additional document reference to your PDF file.
The Show recipients and Hide recipients options. For more information, see File transport.
The e-Invoice Connect documentation set now includes Tungsten e-Invoice Connect Administrator's Guide.
The direct link to the Tungsten e-Invoice Connect new features description is available on the Product Documentation page.
September 19, 2021
The Tungsten e-Invoice Connect header is updated according to the UX standards. For more information about the header updates, see the corresponding topics for member users and member administrators.
The invoice PDF file generated from e-Invoice Connect includes the address line above the zip-code.
July 24, 2021
- In Invoice lines section, the Unit field drop-down list has improved to include the advanced search by code, format, and description. Also, the drop-down list displays all units available for the selected recipient, along with the formats these units refer to. , under the
In Invoice sending settings, when setting up the units of measurement for your invoices imported to Tungsten e-Invoice Connect, in Unit translation, you can replace the original value with the appropriate unit value.
, under -
When registering a new e-Invoice Connect member, you are required to fill in the Type field for Party identifiers in the Organization details section.
In Disable automatic acceptance of invoices to never automatically accept faulty invoices. For more information about this option, see Incoming invoice rejection and Rejected.
, you can now select
June 20, 2021
- On an invoice generated as PDF file, e-Invoice Connect displays the buyer address if no recipient address is available.
May 22, 2021
- In , Tungsten e-Invoice Connect displays the status of invoices sent from Kofax AP Essentials.
March 31, 2021
- Tungsten e-Invoice Connect
includes support for the following e-invoicing formats:
Finvoice 3.0
e-Invoice Connect introduces the new FINVOICE format. As a result, incoming invoices in any supported format (including FINVOICE 3.01) can be sent in the FINVOICE 3.01 format.
This option allows sending invoices in the xRehnung format from e-Invoice Connect.
According to legal requirements of some countries, invoices for certain receivers must be registered in Peppol. Tungsten e-Invoice Connect Administrator can configure e-Invoice Connect member accounts to loop invoices through the Peppol network if required by invoice receivers.
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect detects error causes, such as incorrect FTP credentials, and reports these error conditions to a user. If an error occurs, Tungsten e-Invoice Connect prompts a user to change the credentials or take another required action to prevent subsequent errors.
Rejected emails with invoice attachments are now monitored by Tungsten e-Invoice Connect. The member administrators are notified about such issues and receive the detailed information about the cause of the email rejection. Therefore, users are able to troubleshoot their problems with receiving invoices.
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect supports single sign-on using the Kofax AP Essentials authentication. To go directly from the Kofax AP Essentials site to the Tungsten e-Invoice Connect site without a prompt to enter credentials, a Kofax AP Essentials user can click Open Invoice Portal.
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect uses API to upload supplier data from another business system or Tungsten Automation product, such as Kofax AP Essentials or AP Agility, to the e-Invoice Connect member account. Go to Upload from Kofax AP Essentials to request the supplier data to be uploaded from Kofax AP Essentials.
and click -
On the Summary.
page, view the list of added suppliers that use e-invoicing. You can invite these suppliers to start sending e-invoices to your organization. For more information, see -
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect is updated to conform to the Tungsten Automation UX standards.
You can locate the online help for the product by clicking the help icon in e-Invoice Connect or by visiting the Product Documentation site: https://docshield.tungstenautomation.com/Portal/Products/en_US/InvoicePortal/InvoicePortal.htm