Equitrac Utilities

Equitrac provides several different utilities that can help you speed up the time spent on configuration tasks. This section contains instructions to run some of these utilities. Instructions to use other utilities are located throughout this guide in the appropriate location. Use the table below to locate instructions for running all Equitrac utilities.

Utility Description See Page
CampusCardImport.exe Imports Campus Card account information into the CAS database. Import Campus Card Account Information
CardSwipeWizard.exe Determines the encoding and data positions on magnetic or proximity cards. Determining Code Start and Stop Positions – Known Codes
EQAcctMonitor.exe Runs within the System Tray on user workstations to provide account balance information. Configuring the Account Monitor Popup
EQCmd.exe Adds, deletes, modifies or query user, department and billing code accounts from a flat file. Modifying User Accounts from a Flat File
EQKIPImport.exe A command line utility to import KIP plot transaction data into CAS. Import Utilities
EQLRSVPSXImport.exe A command line utility to import transactions from LRS. Import LRS Transactions
EQModifyDeletedContainer Security.exe Changes the administrative access permissions on the deleted objects container in a Windows Active Directory. Import Utilities
EQPDToolTray.exe Enables Print Distribution when installed and running on a user workstation. Send To Printing configuration workflow
EQRightFaxImport.exe Imports RightFax records into CAS. Import Utilities
EQRptload.exe Adds a custom logo to generated reports, or uplink reports to the master CAS. Customizing Standard Reports
EQSAPImport.exe Imports SAP records into CAS. Import Utilities
EQTransactionPurge.exe Purges transactions from the database. Purge Database Transactions
EQToolTray.exe Enables/disables the billing code prompt on a workstation. Disabling Billing Code Popups
EQXLPD.exe Modifies incoming LPR print job IDs to match User IDs within the Equitrac database Map LPR User IDs
EQXWinConfig.exe Modifies device configuration settings. Embedded Devices