OPBinder Component RRTs

Component RRT ID

The RRT ID for this component is OBD.

Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)

The following table describes the reserved RTN values for this component.

RRTN Description
TotalCount The number of pages in the document that is specified by the Release condition or the Output file name option in the OPBinder configuration dialog box.

This RRT can be used both as an external and internal RRT.

FileSize The size of the document that is specified in the Release condition or the Output file name option in the OPBinder configuration dialog box. The size is specified in bytes.

This is an internal RRT.

Special Set Replacement Tag Names (SSRTN)

This component supports the Date/Time tag names listed below:

Name Description
%a Abbreviated English weekday name (Sun – Sat)
%A Full English weekday name (Sunday – Saturday)
%b Abbreviated English month name (Jan – Dec)
%B Full English month name (January – December)
%d Day of month as 2-digit decimal number (01 – 31)
%H Hour in 24-hour format (00 – 23)
%I Hour in 12-hour format (01 – 12)
%j Day of year as decimal number (001 – 366)
%m Month as decimal number (01 – 12)
%M Minute as decimal number (00 – 59)
%p Current locale’s A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
%S Second as decimal number (00 – 59)
%U Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 – 53)
%w Weekday as decimal number (0 – 6; Sunday is 0)
%W Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 – 53)
%y Year without century, as decimal number (00 – 99)
%Y Year with century, as decimal number
Date and time related RRTs are evaluated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by default. It can be set to use local time, for more details, see Using RRTs.

Example of usage of the SSRTN:

~OBD::%Y~-~OBD::%m~ will be replaced with "2009-04".