Datacap component RRTs

Component RRT ID

The RRT ID for this component is DTC.

Date and time related RRTs are evaluated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by default. It can be set to use local time, for more details, see Using RRTs.

Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)

This component generates the following Reserved RTN values.

RRTN Tag Description
BatchID ~DTC::BatchId~ The Datacap batch where the files will be sent.
ApplicationName ~DTC::ApplicationName~ The Datacap application where the files will be sent.
JobName ~DTC::JobName~ The Datacap job where the files will be sent.
PageType ~DTC::PageType~ The page type of the routed document.
Metadata ~DTC::Metadata,*~ The name of the variable specified to the routed document, where * represents the index of the variable name.

When * is used the RRT ~DTC::Metadata,*~ will be replaced with a list of all variables in the following format: <DCO level>:<name> = <value>;.

MetadataName ~DTC::MetadataName,*~ The name of the variable specified to the routed document, where * represents the index of the variable name.

When * is used the RRT ~DTC::MetadataName,*~ will be replaced with a list of names of all fields delimited by semicolon.

MetadataValue ~DTC::MetadataValue,*~ The value of the specified variable, where * represents the index of the variable.
MetadataDcoLevel ~DTC::MetadataDcoLevel,*~ The name of the DCO Level in Datacap server, where * represents the index of the selected DCO level that will be assigned to the variable.
MetadataCount ~DTC::MetadataCount~ The count of variables that will be assigned to the routed document.
FilePath ~DTC::FilePath,*~ The full path to the file in the AutoStore workflow, where * represents the index of the file. When * is used the RRT ~DTC::FilePath,*~ will be replaced with a list of all file paths.
FileName ~DTC::FileName,*~ The original name of the uploaded file, where * represents the index of the uploaded file.
FileExt ~DTC::FileExt,*~ The file extension of the uploaded file, where * represents the index of the uploaded file.
FileCount ~DTC::FileCount~ The number of routed documents.
All RRTs of the component are external and cannot be used within Datacap 8.1 component configuration.

Special Set Replacement Tag Names (SSRTN)

This component does not support any SSRTN values.