Configure admin-only mode

Web Client can be configured to allow only Identity Provider authentication. However, if the identity provider authentication is not available (i.e. disabled in Configuration Assistant or the connection is lost with the Configuration Management Service) and only identity provider authentication is allowed, administrators and users cannot login to Web System Manager. Web Client can be configured to use an 'admin-only' mode which would allow administrators to login and re-configure Web Client to use Equitrac authentication.

To configure 'admin-only' mode, do the following:

  1. Start the Internet Information Management console and stop the Equitrac application pool.
  2. Open the Web Client Web.config in a text editor. By default it is in C:\Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\WebClient.
  3. Add the following application setting <add key="Admin-Only" value="true" />.
  4. Save and close Web.config.
  5. Restart the Equitrac application pool.
    To disable 'admin-only' mode, perform the same steps and either delete the application setting or set it to 'false'.