
If there is an issue with Web Client, Equitrac technical support may require log files. However, sometimes log files alone are not enough, as they do not contain the exact incoming requests and the outgoing responses. This incoming/outgoing information is written into journal files, so having these with the log files will provide all the required information for debugging.

Journal file names should use the following format: WebClientJournal<IPAddress>.eqj, where the <IPAddress> is replaced with the IP address of the remote client. If it is an IPv6 address, then the colons (':') should be replaced with semi-colons (';') as colons are not valid characters in filenames. For IPv4 addresses, no change is required. An example of the journal file name: WebClientJournal127.0.0.1.eqj.

Complete the following steps to get Web Client journal files:

  1. Turn on journaling:
    1. Start the Internet Information Management console and stop the Equitrac application pool.
    2. Open the WebClient Web.config in a text editor. By default it is in C:\Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\WebClient.
    3. Find the journal entries in Web.config and set the following values.
       Controls if journaling is enabled or not. Available (case insensitive) values are:
       true: Enabled.
       false: Disabled.
       <add key="JournalEnabled" value="true" />
       Sets base the journal file name. The directory will be under %ProgramData% common applications folder.
       <add key="JournalFileName" value="Kofax\ControlSuite\Logs\Equitrac\WebClient\WebClientJournal.eqj" />
       Sets the journal file maximum size in megabytes.
       <add key="JournalFileSize" value="30" />
       Sets the maximum number of rolling log files.
       <add key="JournalMaxNumberOfFiles" value="5" />
    4. Save and close Web.config.
    5. Restart the Equitrac application pool.
  2. Use Web Client to reproduce the issue.
  3. Collect the journal files:
    1. Start Internet Information Management console and stop the Equitrac application pool.
    2. Go to the ProgramData\Kofax\ControlSuite\Logs\Equitrac\WebClient folder.
    3. Collect all files and send them to the support.
  4. Switch off journaling. This is a recommended step as journaling decreases the performance of the application.
    1. Open Web.config in a text editor. (by default it is in Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\Web Client).
    2. Disable journaling the with the following entry: <add key="JournalEnabled" value="false" />.
    3. Save and close Web.config.
    4. Restart the Equitrac application pool.