Troubleshooting tips

Problem description Solution
The component does not generate any output file. Status Monitor shows the following error message:

Obligatory RRT has not been replaced (string name), where name is some RRT used in configuration.

Input data contains no information for replacing some RRT used to set some node or attribute value with the All RRTs must be replaced option being checked on.

There must be data for replacing this RRT in configuration. If there is no data to replace it, this RRT must not be used in configuration or must be used without checking the All RRTs must be replaced option.

The component RRTs providing you with the input file information, for example, ~XMR::FileName1~, are not replaced in the output XML file. Status Monitor shows the following message:

Internal XML Generator RRTs (File name, File extension, File path or File content) are not replaced.

There may be no input file for the component. In particular, there may be eConnector component; for example, Send to Folder eConnector, with pass through option turned off in the workflow process before XML Generator component. In this case the component has no input file and, therefore, no data for the replacement of those RRTs.
RRTs from other components used in configuration have not been replaced by real data in the output XML file. Most probably, RRTs were not determined in the "Available RRTs" window for XML Generator component because they were not visible. Please see the item above for solution.
Multiplying root element doesn't work. Multiplying root element will result in creating an invalid XML document, since an XML document must contain one and only one root element. Don't try to multiply the root element, it will not work anyway. This behavior will be fixed in a future version of the component.
The component doesn't process attribute or node values preset in the template. The component does not process the value of a node or an attribute (for example, doesn't replace counters or RRTs) if it is identical to the value from the template, that is, if you enter the same value in the configuration dialog or you don't change the value at all, it will not be processed by the component. A workaround is to add space character to the beginning or the end of a preset value. In this case, the component will process the value and the space will be trimmed. The problem will be fixed in a future version of the component.