Component RRTs

Component RRT ID

The RRT ID for this component is OTC.

Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)

The following table describes the reserved RTN values for this component.

Name Description
FileName The original file name.

This is an internal RRT and can be used only within the configuration of this component.

Counter An incremental counter based on the duplicate file names found within the destination directory. The counter value concatenated with the name provides a unique file name.

This is an internal RRT and can be used only within the configuration of this component.

FileExt Original file extension.

This is an internal RRT and can be used only within the configuration of this component.

DocId,* The internal identifier of a routed document on the server, where an asterisk (*) should be replaced with an ordinal number of the file in the workflow object.

This RRT is external and is available only with the use of the eConnector component.

DocId The internal identifiers of all routed document on the server. The identifiers are delimited with a space.

This RRT is external and is available only with the use of the eConnector component.

FileCount The number of files routed to the server.

This RRT is external and is available only with the use of the eConnector component.

The following example provides some sample usage for your reference:

~OTC::FileName~~OTC::Counter~ is replaced with the value "Document5" if the original file name was "Document" and there were up to 4 (Document1 to Document4) files already in the destination folder path.

Field Replacement Tag Names (FRTN)

This component does not have any FRTNs and replacement of field names with metadata values.

Special Set Replacement Tag Names (SSRTN)

This component does not have any SSRTNs.