Modify query length restrictions

Web System Manager sends HTTP requests from the UI layer to ADLookup API. IIS has default restrictions on query string length with a maximum of 2048 bytes. Depending on the length of the search filter used, the query generated in the UI may be longer than 2048 bytes.

To modify the query length restrictions, do the following:

  1. Open IIS Manager, and go to Sites > Default Web Site > Request Filtering.
  2. In the Actions section, select Edit Feature Settings.
  3. In the Edit Request Filtering Settings dialog, set the Maximum query string (Bytes) to 4096.
  4. Open the Web Client Web.config in a text editor. By default it is in C:\Program Files\Kofax\Equitrac\WebClient.
  5. Add the maxQueryStringLength="4096" attribute to the httpRuntime node: <httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false" maxRequestLength="30000" maxQueryStringLength="4096" />.
  6. Save and close Web.config.
  7. The new settings should be picked up by IIS automatically, but if not, then restart IIS.