Bates Stamp component RRTs

Component RRT ID

The RRT ID for Bates Stamp component is BSC.

Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)

The following table describes the RRTN values for Schema field of this component.

Name Description
Internal RRTs
FileName The original file name value.
FileExt The original file extension.
External RRTs
page_number The page number stamp value on a page.

The following examples provide some sample usage for your reference:

The example uses RRTs from the special date/time set.

~BSC::FileName~_~BSC::Year~-~BSC::MonthDigital~-~BSC::Day~~BSC::FileExt~ is replaced with the value Document_2011-01-25.tif if the original file name is Document.tif and the current date is January 25, 2011.

~BSC::3~ is replaced with the value of stamp on the third page.

If there are fewer than 3 pages in a document, this sample RRT will not be replaced.

Field Replacement Tag Names (FRTN)

This component does not have any FRTNs and replacement of field names with metadata values.

Special Set Replacement Tag Names (SSRTN)

This component supports the Date/Time tag names listed below:

Name Description
Day The day of month (1 – 31) when the input file was stamped.
YearDay The day of year (1 – 366) when the input file was stamped.
Hour12 The 12-based hour (1 – 12) when the input file was stamped.
Hour24 The 24-based hour (0 – 23) when the input file was stamped.
Locales AM/PM indicator for 12-hour clock when the input file was stamped.
Minute The minute (0 – 59) when the input file was stamped.
Month Full (January – December) month when the input file was stamped.
MonthAbbr Abbreviated (Jan – Dec) month when the input file was stamped.
MonthDigital Digital (1 – 12) month when the input file was stamped.
Second The second (0 – 59) when the input file was stamped.
WeekSunday The number of the week in year (1 – 53) when the input file was stamped (Sunday is the first day of week).
WeekMonday The number of the week in year (1 – 53) when the input file was stamped (Monday is the first day of week).
WeekDay Full (Sunday – Saturday) week day when the input file was stamped.
WeekDayAbbr Abbreviated (Sun – Sat) week day when the input file was stamped.
WeekDayDigital Digital (0 – 6) week day when the input file was stamped (0 – Sunday).
Year Full 4-digit year when the input file was stamped.
Year2Digit 2-digit (00 – 99) year when the input file was stamped.
Date and time related RRTs are evaluated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by default. It can be set to use local time, for more details, see Using RRTs.