Barcode component RRTs

Component RRT ID

The RRT ID for this component is LTB.

Date and time related RRTs are evaluated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by default. It can be set to use local time, for more details, see Using RRTs.

Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)

Name Description
PagesCount The count of pages in the original document.
BarcodePages The list of page numbers on which barcodes are present.
BarcodePagesCount The count of pages containing barcodes.
SplitSeparatorsCount The number of pages in the original document considered as split separators.
SplitSeparatorsPages Comma-separated list of pages considered as split separators.
SplittedPartsCount The number of output documents (parts of the split document).

The following examples provide sample usage for your reference:

~LTB::PagesCount is replaced with 21.

~LTB::BarcodePages~ is replaced by 3.

Additional RRTNs of two types: Barcode global set RRTs and Barcode named set RRTs.

Field Replacement Tag Names (FRTN)

Fields set on the Field Values tab of the Barcode component settings can be used as RRTs. The syntax used to refer to field values in this case is as follows:

Name Description
%FieldName% The RRT specifies the name of a FieldName field defined on the Field Values tab.
When the Split on barcode check box is selected on the General tab of the Barcode settings, every output document, representing the part of the input document, has its own page numbering and its own set of barcodes. Therefore, when you select the Split on barcode function, the component RRTs are replaced separately for each of the output documents (parts of the split document).

Barcode Separator Pages RRTs

When you use the Split on barcode option, the component generates the special set of RRTs for the barcode values found on pages considered as separators.

The following table describes the RRTs for barcode values from separator pages:

Name Tag Name Description
Barcode from separator Separators[SeparatorNumber,BarcodeNumber] The value of the BarcodeNumber barcode found on the SeparatorNumber separator page.

SeparatorNumber represents an ordinal number of the separator page relatively to the output file, for which the RRTs are being replaced. You can use positive and negative indexes to specify the separator position; in this case, the following logic is applied:

  • 0 for the pre-separator page; -1 for the separator page before the pre-separator page and so on.
  • 1 for the post-separator page; 2 for the page after the post-separator page and so on.

Barcode from separator in zone ZoneName Separators[%ZoneName%,SeparatorNumber ,BarcodeNumber] The value of the BarcodeNumber barcode found in the ZoneName zone on the SeparatorNumber separator page.
The ZoneName is delimited by the '%' character.

Example of the separator pages RRTs:

The process splits a document with 7 pages by a barcode value using a regular expression. Each page in the document contain seven barcodes. The first, third, fourth and fifth pages contain barcodes that match the specified expression. Keep barcode page option is off. In this case, for the output document that contains the second page the following RRTs will be replaced:

  • ~LTB::Separators[0,1]~ will be replaced with the value of the first found barcode on the first page of the input document, because it is the pre-separator page for the referenced output document.
  • ~LTB::Separators[3,7]~ will be replaced with the value of the seventh found barcode on the fifth page of the input document, because it is the third post-separator page for the referenced output document.
  • ~LTB::Separators[-1,7]~ will not be replaced, because there is no the second pre-separator page for the referenced output document.

The same logic is applied for the zoned RRT with the only difference:

These RRTs will be replaced only when the Split on barcode option is enabled on the General tab, and the SeparatorNumber and BarcodeNumber indexes refer to the existing pages and found barcodes respectively. These RRTs can be used only within the Barcode configuration for Field value text box on the Field Values tab.