Component RRTs

Component RRT ID

Component RRT ID is FCE.

Reserved Replacement Tag Names (RRTN)

The following table describes the reserved RTNs for this component:

When the component processes a batch of documents, the RRT replacements depend on internal (this component) or external (subsequent component) usage.

RRTN Description
FileName The original file name.

When used internally, the component replaces it with the name of the currently routed document.

When used externally, the component replaces it with the name of the first routed document.

FileExt The original file extension.

When this RRT is used internally, the component replaces it with the file extension (including the point character ’.’) of the currently routed document.

When used externally, the component replaces it with the file extension of the first routed document.

FileFolder The original file path without file name.

When this RRT is used internally, the component replaces it with the path of the currently routed document.

When used externally, the component replaces it with the path of the first routed document.

DocumentId The unique identifier of the routed document (updated or created).

When this RRT is used internally, the component replaces it with the ID of the target document specified in the Document tab. It can be either ID of the newly created document or of an existing document. The component does not replace this RRT in the settings required to create a new document or to find an existing document because the document ID is unknown at run time in these cases.  If the Target is Update document with the following ID, then the value of this RRT is first taken from the ID text box and then is updated after updating the document.

When used externally, it is the identifier of the first routed document.

DocumentTitle The title of the routed document.

When this RRT is used internally, the component replaces it with the title (name) of the target document specified in the Document tab. It can be either title of the newly created document or of an existing document. The component does not replace this RRT in the settings required to create a new document or to find an existing document because the document title is unknown at run time in these cases.

When used externally, it is the title of the first routed document.

DocumentVsId A unique identifier of the routed document version series object.

When this RRT is used internally, the component replaces it with the ID of the version series object of the document specified in the Document tab. The component does not replace this RRT in the settings required to create a new document or to find an existing document because the document version series is unknown at run time in these cases.

When used externally, it is the identifier of the version series of the first routed document.

DocumentURL The URL of the routed document on the Application Engine.

When used internally, the component uses the value of Document URL pattern specified in the Document tab for its replacement.

When used externally, it is the URL of the first routed document.

CE_URL This is an internal RRT. Its value is taken from the Content Engine web service URL text box on the General tab.

This RRT is designated to be used within Application Engine URL pattern when the Application Engine is hosted on the same server where the Content Engine is.

AE_URL This is an internal RRT. Its value is taken from the Application Engine URL text box on the Document tab. This value should be specified in the form like: http://FileNetAEserver.doman:80/ECMF.

This RRT is designated to be used in the Document URL pattern text box on the Document tab and should keep URL of the web application hosted on the Application Engine server. The default web application is Workplace; therefore, the default value of this field is: ~FCE::CE_URL~/WorkplaceXT.

ObjectStore The name of the FileNet P8 Content Engine object store. Its value is taken from the Object store text box on the General tab. This is an internal RRT.
FolderPath Path of the FileNet P8 Content Engine folder containing the routed document. Its value is taken either from the Target folder text box on the General tab or determined at run time if the document is specified by its ID. When the component replaces the path, it prefixes it with a slash and removes slash from the end (root folder will be an empty string). This is an internal RRT.
DocumentName Containment name of the document in the FileNet P8 folder. Its value is either taken from the Name text box on the Document tab or determined at run time if the document is specified by its ID or a new document is created (with Auto Name for example). This is an internal RRT.

The example of the RRTNs usage: if the component rejects first document in the batch, ~FCE::FileName~ will be replaced with the name of the currently processed document when used inside the component, and will be replaced with the name of the second input document when used outside the component.

Field Replacement Tag Names (FRTN)

This component does not generate FRTNs.

Special Set Replacement Tag Names (SSRTN)

This component supports the Date/Time tag names listed below:

Name Description
%a Abbreviated English weekday name (Sun – Sat)
%A Full English weekday name (Sunday – Saturday)
%b Abbreviated English month name (Jan – Dec)
%B Full English month name (January – December)
%d Day of month as 2-digit decimal number (01 – 31)
%H Hour in 24-hour format (00 – 23)
%I Hour in 12-hour format (01 – 12)
%j Day of year as decimal number (001 – 366)
%m Month as decimal number (01 – 12)
%M Minute as decimal number (00 – 59)
%p Current locale’s A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
%S Second as decimal number (00 – 59)
%U Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 – 53)
%w Weekday as decimal number (0 – 6; Sunday is 0)
%W Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 – 53)
%y Year without century, as decimal number (00 – 99)
%Y Year with century, as decimal number
Date and time related RRTs are evaluated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by default. It can be set to use local time, for more details, see Using RRTs.

If the component receives a batch of several documents on input, the Date/Time RRTs are replaced once and have the similar values for all documents from the batch.

The examples of the component SSRTN usage:

~FCE::%Y~-~FCE::%m~ will be replaced by 2010-03.