Create a data backbone variable

A Data backbone variable maps directly to a project within a selected KCM (Kofax Communications Manager) server and gives access to the data backbone belonging to that project to get or set data in it.

Each KCM project consists of one data backbone. The data backbone exposes all the data required to create documents in that project.

A data backbone is an XML structure containing field sets with single fields and nested/repeating data. For example:

[Company Details]
Company Name
[Director Details]
<List of Directors>
      Director Name
      Director Address
            <List of prior addresses>

Only single fields can be used directly within a process. Custom code is required to set the more complex and repeating data.

You can expand the variable to see the fields. When a field is mapped, the level from where it came, is also displayed. For example, if you use the Country Name from the preceding example, then the syntax is: <VariableName>.Address.Country.Name.

You can set the data field by field (single fields only) or use a service call to populate the entire structure. For example, you can populate the variable by getting data from a database, or you can pass the value of a field into a business rule and update a different field using the result.

Within KCM, you can add new fields to the data backbone, but cannot delete existing fields. You must refresh the project in KCM integration to view the newly added fields.

You can create multiple variables of this type, each pointing to the same or different projects.

  1. Open the process map in which to create the variable.
  2. On the process modeling bar, click Variables and click New.

    The New variable dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter a unique Name for the variable.
    By default, the name of the variable becomes the ID of the variable; however, you can change the ID if needed.
  4. On the Type list, click Data backbone. (Default: String)
  5. Optional. To use the variable for process initialization, select Initialization.
  6. Select a pre-configured KCM instance.

    All the existing KCM projects associated with the selected instance appear on the KCM project list.

  7. On the KCM project list, select a project.
  8. Click Add and close.

    The New variable dialog box is closed.

  9. Save the process.