Configuration of a Document set control

Configure the Document set control to suit your requirement.



Header label

The display text for the header of the control.

Allow file upload

Allows uploading multiple documents to document set at runtime. The documents are stored in the TotalAgility repository. If you clear the check box, the "Allow file upload" option is not available on the Document set control at runtime.

Allow link

Allows specifying a URL to view the document at runtime. If you clear the check box, the "Allow link" option is not available on the Document set control at runtime.

Allow no file required

Allows receiving the physical documents and no document is required to be uploaded. If you clear the check box, the "Allow no file required" option is not available on the Document set control at runtime.

When you view the form at runtime:

  • Any documents added to the job/case are listed and you view the document (dependent on the location) and the metadata.
  • The status of each rule and the comment are displayed.
  • You can add documents (by providing the type, location, name and metadata), delete documents, and update metadata on a document. When changes are applied, you can re-evaluate the rules.