Handle document conversion exceptions

When you import documents in TotalAgility and convert them, for some document formats, the conversion is not supported. In such cases, the documents get moved from Message Connector, but are not available in TotalAgility. This may result in data loss.

You can configure TotalAgility to send the documents, for which conversion is failed, in an email as attachments. Additionally, you can also send the reason for conversion failure. If needed, you can import such documents manually in TotalAgility.

To handle the document conversion exceptions, do the following:

  1. Navigate to System > System settings > System and click General.

    The General settings dialog box is displayed.

  2. Under Transformation server, select Reject documents on exceptions and click Save.
  3. Navigate to Workflow > Business processes and open your process map which is used for document conversion.
  4. Select the Document conversion node and on the satellite, click the Decision icon Satellite-Decision.

    A decision node is added.

  5. Select the decision node and enter a Name such as Documents Rejected?.
  6. Right-click in the rule editor and select Process variables.
  7. Expand your folder variable and then expand System.
  8. In the variables list, select Has rejections.

    Exception Handling in Document Conversion
  9. Select the Decision node and click the Activity icon Satellite-Activity.

    An activity node is added.

  10. Select the activity node and enter a Name, such as, Email rejected documents.
  11. On the Type list, select Email.
  12. Configure From, To and Subject under Configuration.
  13. Right-click in the Attachments field and select Process variables.
  14. Expand your folder variable and then expand System.
  15. In the variables list, select Documents.
  16. Right-click in the Body and select Process variables.
  17. Expand your folder variable then expand System.
  18. In the variables list, select Rejection reason.

    Exception Handling in Document Conversion 2
  19. Select the decision node and on the True path list, select the activity to specify the path of execution if the rule condition evaluates to True. In this scenario, select Email rejected documents.
  20. Save and release the map.

    Exception Handling in Document Conversion