Check out an item added to GitHub

When the source control is turned on and if the package is added to source control, you can check out a package or an item that is under source control and edit them.

To check out an item, you should have configured GitHub integration. See Configure GitHub integration in System settings.

  • If the version of an item in TotalAgility is higher than the version in GitHub, the item is not checked out.

  • If the version of an item in TotalAgility is same as the version in GitHub, the item is checked out and locked but not imported.

  • If the version of an item in TotalAgility is lower than the version in GitHub, the item is imported, checked out and locked.

  • You cannot delete a connection, if a package or an item is checked out to GitHub.

    You cannot add a new item when the parent is in GITHub.

  • You cannot unlock or delete an item that is checked out to GitHub.

  • When you switch between working folders, you cannot check out an item that is in GITHub under a different folder from your current working folder.

  • You cannot edit a skin or a variant (document/activity/form) if the parent process or extraction group is under source control. You must check out the parent before editing these items.

  • You cannot checkout the extraction group when one or more associated classification groups are not checked out with the logged on resource. You must first check out the associated classification groups.

  • You cannot edit an extraction group which is checked out unless the associated classification groups are also checked out.

Check out a package

You can check out a package that is added to GitHub.

  1. Navigate to Packages > Packages.
    The Packages page appears.
  2. On the context menu of the package that is added to GitHub, click Check out.

    The package is checked out. An arrow indicator appears for a checked out package.

    When you check out a package, only the package definition is checked out; the items of the package are not checked out.

Check out an individual item

You can check out an individual item from the package that is added to GitHub.

  1. Navigate to the list page of the item, such as forms.
  2. On the context menu of the item to check out, click Check out.
  3. When prompted how to open the item, click either option:
    • Open: Opens the item in a new browser tab without checking it out.

      The opened item is locked and cannot be checked out by another user.

    • Check out (Default: Selected): Checks out the item and opens it in a new browser tab for editing. Make the necessary changes and save the item.

    In the list page, an arrow indicator appears for a checked out item. You can check in a checked out item or undo check out using the context menu options.

Undo check out for a package

You can undo check out for a package when you do not need to modify it or to undo the changes done to the package.

  1. Navigate to Packages > Packages.
    The Packages page appears.
  2. On the context menu of the checked out package, click Undo check out.
  3. When prompted, click OK to undo the checkout and retain the local copy.

    The changes, if any, are undone and the local version of the package is retained.

Undo check out for an item

You can undo check out for an individual item when you no longer need to modify it or undo any changes done to the item.

  1. Navigate to the list page of the checked out item, such as forms.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • On the context menu of the checked out item, click Undo check out.

    • Open a checked out item and on the modeling bar, click the down arrow adjacent to Check in and then click Undo check out.

  3. When prompted, click OK to undo check out and keep the local copy.

    Once you undo check out, the item will be unlocked, and closed if open.