Create an alert

An alert appears on the work queue of the resource to notify them of any impending escalations.

You can create an alert for a milestone, process, or an activity.

  1. In the properties panel of the process, on the Time and cost tab, under Duration/Budget triggers, click for Alert.
    The New alert dialog box is displayed.
  2. In the Activity name field, provide a name for the alert.

    A name can be a dynamic variable such as a String variable or a static value, such as Budget Overrun. If the required variable is not available, you can create a new variable directly from the activity properties panel. See Create a process variable while configuring activity properties.

  3. Optional. In the Description field, enter a description for the alert.

    Description can be a dynamic variable or a static value. If the required variable is not available, you can create a new variable directly from the activity properties panel.

    A static value, for example, can be "This alert is raised when the budget overruns by 10%".

  4. Specify when to create an activity.
    • When a certain percentage of the Budget is spent. For example, execute the trigger when 80% of your budget is spent. To execute another trigger when you have overspent the budget by 20%, set the trigger at 120% of the budget.

      Before setting up a trigger for budget escalation, you must first allocate an estimated budget to your business process (Process Properties>General>Budget); otherwise, you cannot create a budget trigger.

    • Target creation date: The expected finish time in days, hours, minutes, and /or seconds. To raise the alert before the due date, select Before (-) or to raise the alert after the due date, select After (+). For example, to raise an alert, three days later than the due date, select 3 Days and then select After (+). If no expected finish time is set, the alert is raised when the due date is met.
  5. Set the Priority for the alert using a dynamic variable or static value. If the required variable is not available, you can create a new variable directly from the process properties panel. See Create a process variable while configuring process properties.

    The priority can be a static value, within 1 to 10, or a variable.

  6. On the Resource list, select the resource to alert when the alert task is executed. If the required variable for the resource is not available, you can create a new variable directly from the process properties panel. See Create a process variable while configuring process properties.

    A resource can be:

    • Group, Individual, or role.

    • System variable (job creator/job creator supervisor/job owner).

    • Process or server String variable

  7. Optional. Provide a link to the Associated file.
  8. Specify Duration/Expected finish time to determine how long the activity takes to complete. A due date can be a static value, variable, or a milestone.
    • Lead time only: The due date for the alert task is calculated as the target duration for the job.

    • By a date: The due date for the alert task is calculated as the value given for the Date variable. If the required variable is not available, you can create a new variable directly from the process properties panel. See Create a process variable while configuring process/activity properties.

    • Milestone: The due date for the alert task is calculated as the target date of the selected milestone.

  9. Specify the Lead time.

    Lead time is the period within which an alert task can be raised. The lead time can be positive or negative. For example, if set to two days, the alert task can be raised any time within the two days of the due date passing.

    • If the due date is a static value, and if you set the lead time, the due date for the alert task is target duration + lead time.

      For example, if the target duration of an alert task is 4 hours, the lead time is 2 hours, and the milestone becomes available at 12:00; then the due date of the alert task is 18:00 (depending on the Business Calendar).

      If the user takes the task at 13:30 and completes it by 17:30, the task is not overdue. However, if the user takes the task at 16:00 and completes it at 20:00, the task is overdue by 2 hours.

    • If the due date is a variable, and if you set the lead time, the due date for the alert task is variable +/- lead time.

    • If the due date is a milestone, and if you set the lead time, the due date for the alert task is milestone +/- lead time.

      For example, create a milestone, Goods Delivered with a value, 17-02-2013 17:00. If the alert task Final Check (target duration = x variable) must be raised 1 hour before the milestone of Goods Delivered, the lead time is set to -1 hour. However, if the alert task Check Goods Received must be completed 1 day after the milestone Goods Delivered, the lead time is set to +1day.

  10. Click Add.

    When the trigger is executed, the alert task is added to the work queue of the selected resources.

    You can update the target duration of the alert directly - modify the target duration and click Update.