Manage a security token

You can add, modify, and delete a security token.

Create a security token

  1. Navigate to User interface > Security tokens.

    The Security tokens page appears.

  2. Click New.

    The New security token dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter a Name for the security token.

    The token name must not contain spaces.

  4. Select a Category for the security token.

    By default, your working category is selected.

  5. Optional. Enter a Description for the token.
  6. Click Save.

    Once the security token is created, associate it with a form control.

Modify a security token

  1. Navigate to User interface > Security tokens.

    By default, the security tokens available within your working category are displayed.

  2. To display the security tokens within a specific category, select the category on the Category list.

    Alternatively, to display a specific security token, enter the token name in the Search field and click .

  3. Click the security token to modify.

    The Edit security token dialog box is displayed.

  4. Make changes to the category and description, as needed.
  5. Click Save.

Delete a security token

  1. Navigate to User interface > Security tokens.

    A list of security tokens is displayed.

  2. On the context menu of the security token to delete, click Delete.

    On confirmation, the selected security token is deleted.

How to: Associate a security token with a control

To assign the access permissions to the tokens within security roles, refer to the Kofax TotalAgility Workspace Help.