Add a folder type

Use the following procedure to create a folder type and add one or more field groups to it. You can also add a folder type and field groups within a folder type.

  1. Navigate to Capture > Folders.

    The Folders page appears.

  2. Click New.

    The Folder type page appears in a new browser tab. Under the Design tab, by default, a folder, Root Folder is created. Change the folder name as needed.

    A folder type name cannot contain these special characters: \\, /, :, *, ?, <, >, $.

  3. Select the Root Folder and configure its properties.

    You can undo or redo the changes in a folder type using and .

  4. Save or release the folder.

    • You can only use the released version of folder type in a process.

    • After you save or release the folder type, the current version of the folder type appears.