Open a form version

You can open a form version in a read-only mode. For each version you can view the status (Saved or Released), the resource that modified it, the last modified date, and comments (if any). You can also revert to a previous version if it is not the latest version, and delete a version.

View a form version

  1. Navigate to User interface > Forms.
  2. On the context menu of the form to view versions for, click Versions.
  3. On the list of versions, click the link for the version to view. The selected form version opens in a read-only mode.

Revert to a version

Revert a form to create a new version of the form based on an earlier version. All the items including controls and properties of the selected version are available in the newer version.

  1. Make sure that the form is not open.
  2. Navigate to User interface > Forms.
  3. On the context menu of the form to open the versions list for, click Versions.
  4. On the context menu of the version of the form to revert to, click Revert.
    On confirmation, the process version is reverted to the selected version.
  5. Release the process.
  6. Click OK. A new version of the process map is created. The Versions list is updated to include the new version.

Delete a version

You can delete a redundant version of a form. When you delete a version of a form, the selected version and all previous versions are deleted. For example, if you delete version 3, versions 1 and 2 are also deleted.

  1. Navigate to User interface > Forms.
  2. On the context menu of the form to open the versions list for, click Versions.
  3. On the context menu of the version of the form to delete, click Delete.
    On confirmation, the selected version and all previous versions are deleted.