Associate a checklist template with a process

To use a checklist at runtime, associate a checklist template with an activity in a process. You can assign the Checklist variable as input or output to the activity.
  1. Open the process map.
  2. Create a Checklist process variable.
  3. To add the checklist variable as input to the activity, do the following:
    1. Select the activity.
    2. On the Configuration tab, click Add for Input variables.
    3. Select the checklist variable. If the required variable is not available, you can create a new variable directly from the activity properties panel. See Create a process variable while configuring activity properties.
    4. Click Done.
  4. Similarly, click Add for Output variables to add the checklist variable as output to the activity.
  5. Use a Ready for review node to set the checklist state as ready for review. See Configure a ready for review activity.

    After a checklist template is associated with a process, specify the items to be checked by each resource. After each resource completes the checklist, the checklist passes to the next resource for review.