Refresh capture action

Use a Refresh capture form action to refresh the document's field properties in the capture form user interface that are updated on the server by using SDK API.

The Refresh capture form action only refreshes the fields and ignores other changes, such as folder/document hierarchy changes.
  1. On the form modeling bar, click Actions and click New.

    The New action dialog box is displayed.

  2. On the Type list, select Refresh capture form.
  3. Change the default Name (RefreshCaptureFormAction1) to something meaningful.
  4. Optional. Enter a Description for the action.
  5. Optional. Select Multilingual to configure a unique action for each language separately. See Configure multilingual actions.
  6. To refresh the entire batch structure, select Full batch refresh.

    This option is useful when you use a context-aware SDK to make structural changes, such as deleting, splitting, or merging documents.

    At runtime, the updated batch structure is returned to fully refresh the user interface of the form.

  7. To refresh field values, select Treat refreshed fields as complete.

    This option is useful when you use a context-aware SDK to update field values that are treated as final. It avoids sending the values for validation when you confirm a field value on the document. It also ensures the error message is not reverted to default when you confirm any other field on the form.

    For example, using SDK to show a custom error description.

  8. Click Add.

    The newly created action appears on the Actions page.

  9. Associate the action with the control to trigger this action. See Configure actions for form control events. Alternatively, to call this action for a form event, associate the action with the form. See Associate an action with a form.