Include or exclude package export options

Include or exclude the following package export options:


Generalized export

If selected, a basic version of the process with minimal node configuration is exported.

.Net references with path

By default, exports all the .NET References with paths in the package.

Test plan

If selected, exports the test plans associated with the processes (process/case definition/fragment/business rule/custom service) as part of the package.

When you import a package with this setting turned on into a different system, the test plans will be imported but the setting value is not retained and will revert to being off.


Capture project data

By default, exports the Transformation Designer project data associated with the process in the package. To exclude the underlying Transformation Designer project data from the package, clear the check box.

Connector mappings

If selected, exports the connector mappings exported along with the process in the package.


Global variables

By default, exports all the global variables in the package.

Security tokens

If selected, the security tokens and role members are automatically added to the package.

Security roles


Resource extensions

If selected, exports the extended values stored against each resource in the package. (Default: Clear)

Group members

If selected, exports the associated group members in the package for the selected group and the group associated with the process. (Default: Clear)

A package does not include the following items associated with resources: category for all, external resources, personas, supervisors, and members (individual resources and group resources) for group resources, supervisor, working group, and associated groups for individual resources. You cannot use security roles in a package.


Note types

If selected, exports the note types, hotkeys, page renditions, node colors, reporting tags, and error codes in the package. (Default: Clear)

Hot keys

Page renditions

Node colors

Reporting tags

Error codes