Capture controls

TotalAgility provides the following capture controls depending on the fields configured for an extraction group.

  • Text field

  • Check box

  • Combo box

  • Table

You can open a capture form in a design view and configure these controls.

Properties of capture controls

The following capture controls have some specific properties in addition to the other general properties of the control.

The Read only property is not available for Verification and Document review forms.

Capture Text field

If selected, handles text that may go beyond one line, such as customer address.


Height of the text field.

This property is only available if the "Multiline" option is selected.

Preserve line breaks

Allows preserving line breaks for a multi-line field when lassoing, so that the line breaks are preserved when data is populated in the field.

This property is only available if the "Multiline" option is selected.

Auto complete

If selected, allows the field to complete automatically.

Match type

Specify the match type to use at runtime:

  • Contains match (default): Displays the list of words that contain a specific letter you enter at runtime.

  • Starts with: Displays the list of words that start with a specific letter you enter at runtime.

This property is only available if the "Auto complete" option is selected.

Ignore case

If selected, allows the field to accept letters in uppercase and lowercase. By default, the text field is case-sensitive.

Field name

A meaningful name of the field to display at runtime. For example, "Customer name" instead of "Field1".

This is a read-only property.

Capture Check box

If selected, it allows the check box to display at runtime.

Field name

A meaningful name of the field to display at runtime.

This is a read-only property.

Read only

If selected, displays the read-only check box at runtime.

Capture Combo box
Field name

A meaningful name of the field to display at runtime.

This is an editable property.


Specify whether the value of the combo box at runtime can be a custom value or from a predefined list.

  • Free content: Allows entering a value into the combo box.
  • Restricted content: Allows selecting a value from the available list.

For the Capture Combo box, if the options list is populated on loading the Document or Folder type forms, you need to reapply the value so that the Combo box displays the text instead of the value.

Auto complete match type

Allows the field to complete automatically, depending on the selected option:

  • Contains match (default): Displays the list of words that contain a specific letter you enter at runtime.

  • Starts with: Displays the list of words that start with a specific letter you enter at runtime.

Capture Table (Column)

If selected, handles text that may go beyond one line, such as customer address.

Preserve line breaks

Allows preserving line breaks for a multi-line field when lassoing, so that the line breaks are preserved when data is populated in the field.

This option is available only when the "Multiline" option is selected.


The behavior of the Table. Available options are:

  • Free content: Allows entering a value into the table at runtime.
  • Restricted content: Allows selecting a value from the available list at runtime.

Display mode

The mode in which the text is displayed on a table at runtime. Available options are:

  • Text: Only the text is displayed.
  • Value and text: Both the text and the value are displayed.

Dynamic data source

A dynamic data source for the choice type of column.

Once a dynamic data source is assigned, it will take precedence over any static or lookup defined in the extraction group.

Form action types that can be used for a dynamic data source are:

  • .NET method

  • Web service

  • DB query

Additional information about a Capture Table control:

  • A Capture Table control is not displayed on Folder, and Document verification forms.
  • If any fields in a Capture Table control are set as hidden or read-only, the system can prevent a user from completing a Validation activity. The reason is that when a user adds a row to a table, all the cells in that row are marked invalid (including any hidden or read-only cells). As a result, all the visible cells in the table do not mark the table as valid and the user is not able to complete the Validation activity.
  • If you want to hide fields from one user but make them visible to others, you either define the hidden fields as ‘Always valid’ (see Configure validation for document fields) or define validation rules that run during the ‘Add table row’ event that will set the valid flag as ‘true’ for hidden and read-only cells (see Add field validation for document fields.)

You can add a Mini-viewer for a Capture field in a Document form.