
A script is a series of instructions that can be executed in a given language.

In TotalAgility, you can associate VBSCRIPT, C#, and VBNET scripts with an activity. Once the activity becomes active, the associated script is executed. VBSCRIPT is not supported in an on-premise multi-tenant environment.

You can enter the data exchange script for CSHARP and VBNET script activities. This script can either be executed before executing the script entered for an activity or it can be executed as part of the script for the activity.

If you want to use SParms in the text of the script activity then you must use the Preload and run data exchange function option; otherwise, you will have to preload the text manually at the start of the script for the activity. The Preload and run data exchange function option allows executing the data exchange script before executing the script entered for an activity.

How to: Configure the Scripting settings