Manage error codes

You can define and maintain text error codes and assign localizable values to these text codes on the Error codes page.

To open the Error codes page, navigate to System data > Error codes.

Create error codes

  1. On the Error codes page, click New.

    The New error code dialog box is displayed.

  2. Enter a Name for the error code.
    By default, the name of the error code becomes the ID of the error code; however, you can change the ID if needed.
  3. Enter a Description for the error code.
  4. Enter a default (or base) Error message for the error code. When localizations are not specified, this message is used for that text code.
  5. Click Save.

Modify error codes

  1. On the Error codes page, click the error code to modify.

    Alternatively, to display a specific error code, enter the name of the error code in the Search field and click .

    The Edit error code dialog box is displayed.

  2. Make changes as needed, such as updating the description or error message.
  3. Click Save.

Delete error codes

On the Error codes page, on the context menu of the error code to delete, click Delete.

On the confirmation, the error code is deleted.

If the error code is in use, a warning message appears stating an unexpected behavior may occur if you delete the error code that is already in use.