Business rules

Business rules can be used to build complex business logic without programming and automate and optimize business decisions.

For example, a store offers the following discounts:

  • 5% for purchases between £100 and £1000
  • 10% for all purchases above £1000

You can use the following logic to calculate the amount to pay after the discount:

IF Amount >=100 and <=1000 THEN Discount =5%
IF Amount > 1000 THEN Discount = 10%
Else Discount = 0%
Amount to Pay = Amount - (Amount/ 100) X Discount
Return Amount to Pay
A business rule is a diagrammatic representation of a rule and enables you to use all the backend integration capabilities of TotalAgility to retrieve data from external sources to use within the rule. A business rule also enables you to use the decision and multi-branching rules logic of a process map to create the rule and determine the output values.

A business rule includes the following elements:

  • Inputs
  • Rule conditions
  • Output

For more information on business rules maintainability and testing, refer to "Business rules" in Kofax TotalAgility Best Practices Guide.

How to: