Web System Manager Overview

Web System Manager is a interface for system administrators to manage Equitrac accounts, devices, licenses, reports and much more via a web browser. To open Web System Manager, enter https://web.server.address/EQWebClient in the Address bar. Once logged on, administrators can access to the following sections to set up an Equitrac production environment.

Section Description
Accounts Printing Accounts are required to track copy, fax, scan, and print usage. This section is used to configure Equitrac to track printing per User, Department, or Billing code.
Devices Physical, embedded and workstations devices are set up and configured to track printing per User, Department, or Billing code.
Sources Print queues, I-Queues and Managed Queues can be created and configured for secure printing from the Sources section.
System Configuration Global print, scan, authentication options, pricing, rules and routing and scheduling tasks are available within System Configuration.

Reports allow you to analyze system performance in order to troubleshoot usage, load balancing, and overall workflow.

Diagnostics Use diagnostics to find possible problems and to generate trace logs when system errors occur.
Scan Client The Scan Client is used for managing and monitoring scan jobs for an Equitrac user.