Troubleshooting tips

Problem Description Cause Solution

Error dialog box pops up when creating a folder path.

Invalid characters are included in the folder path definition. Invalid characters are:

\ / : * ? " < > |

Make sure invalid characters are not used in the folder path definition.

The Path RRTN is not replaced with a path folder.

This situation occurs when you specify a Path, such as Path8, where only 6 folder path entries are configured with the Send to Folder component.

Check to make sure the Path number is valid.

Only the last page from a multipage document scanned to JPEG files appeared in a folder.

Both the Overwrite existing file and Rename file check boxes were selected when only a counter (~STF::Counter~) in the Schema field distinguished renamed files. When the Overwrite existing file check box is selected, a counter does not increment above 1 to avoid overwriting a file with an identical name.

Clear the Overwrite existing file check box so that the counter in the Schema field increments the count to avoid overwriting an existing file with the same name. See General tab for more information about these options.