Set up EPA card readers

To set up a Fujifilm supported EPA card reader, do the following:
  1. Ensure that Smart cards (USB card reader) are disabled. Log in as System Administrator on device. Go to Device > Authentication/Accounting > Authentication/Security Settings > Authentication > User Details Setup and set Use of IC Card to Off.
    This setting is invisible if the NVM Read/Write settings are set according to the Value (no reader) column. If it is set to Enabled, EPA cards will not function.
  2. Enter Service rep mode on the device. For instructions on how to enter this mode, contact your Fujifilm service contact.
  3. Adjust card reader settings. Complete as follows:
    1. Press Tools.
    2. In Group, press Common Service Settings.
    3. In Features, scroll to and press Maintenance/Diagnostics.
    4. Press NVM Read/Write and change the following two values:

      NVM/Chain Link

      Value (no reader) Value (reader)
      850-001 0 1
      850-007 0 10
  4. Press Save after each value has been changed.
  5. Press Close, Exit (Keep Log) and Yes.
  6. Press Reboot Now and power off the device.