Configure workflows

System-managed and device-managed workflow types can be configured in System Manager. You can configure workflows to be accessible to all users, or only available to users assigned to specific departments.

System-managed and device-managed workflows are configurable, and can be used to create icons to be added to workflow containers allowing quick access to the specific functions at the device.

To create a workflow, do the following:

  1. In System Manager, go to Configuration > Workflows and scanning > Workflow management.

    When the Workflow management dialog box first opens, a list of preconfigured workflows is displayed. Any of these can be edited to suit the scanning needs of the organization. Additionally, custom scan-related, system-managed and device-managed workflows can be created.

  2. In the Workflow management dialog box, click <Add...> (or select an existing workflow from the list) to open the Workflow definition dialog box.
  3. Enter a descriptive Name for the workflow which users can identify and select at the device.
  4. Select the Active check box to enable the workflows to be available to use.
  5. From the Scope list, select either Departmental or Global. Global workflows are accessible to all users, while Departmental workflows are available to users assigned to a specific department.
    Departmental workflows must be Active to apply them at the department level. Inactive workflows are listed in the Department properties, but cannot be applied.
  6. From the Destination list, select the workflow type.
  7. Click OK to save the workflow.
  8. Click OK again when the all the desired workflows have been configured.
    If only one workflow is configured and available in the Launcher (or equivalent) container upon user login, the Unified Client for Toshiba automatically starts that workflow. If the workflow is in a child container, autostart does not apply.