Add an Application profile

This task describes how to add an Application profile in Device Registration Service.

  1. Open Device Registration Service web client in a supported internet browser window if it is not open already.
    If you are not certain about how to do this, see Open the DRS web client.
  2. On the toolbar, click Applications.
  3. On the Applications toolbar, click the add button Add button.
  4. In the Name box, enter a name to uniquely label the Application.
    This displays Application settings that depend on the selected Application type.
  5. In the Application Type box, choose the client type.
    Client Choose
    Unified Client for Brother Brother Unified Client
    Canon Unified Client Canon Unified Client
    Unified Client for Epson Epson Unified Client
    Unified Client for Fujifilm Fujifilm Unified Client
    Unified Client for HP HP Unified Client
    Combined Client for Konica Minolta Konica Minolta iOption
    Unified Client for Konica Minolta Konica Minolta Unified Client
    Unified Client for Lexmark Lexmark Unified Client
    Combined Client for Ricoh Ricoh ESA
    Unified Client for Ricoh Smart Operation Panel Ricoh SOP
    Unified Client for Samsung Samsung XOA
    Unified Client for Samsung Smart UX Samsung SmartUX
    Unified Client for Toshiba Toshiba Unified Client
    Unified Client for Xerox Xerox Unified Client
    Unified Client for Xerox EIP Connect Xerox EIP Connect
  6. Configure settings for the selected device type. Click one of the following topics for details.
  7. After you finish configuring settings for the Application, click the save button Save button on the toolbar.
The new Application profile is listed in the Applications pane. You can now refer to it with the Application setting in Device profiles.