Files tab

The Files tab in the Device Registration Service web client lists available Unified Client installation packages for devices. A package in this list may be specified in the DRS Device profile for a Unified Client.

Download the installation package in ZIP format from the Equitrac Partner Portal or from the Web Licensing Portal. The files listed in the following table can be expanded from the ZIP file. Upload all of these files to Device Registration Service to create the groups pertaining to the Ricoh ESA device.

Group Contents Description
Client Packages Combined Client for Ricoh Xlet
SSO Packages NSi SSO provider servlet

You can upload package files one at a time using the Upload button on the Files tab in Device Registration Service web client. Alternatively, you can copy files to the following Device Registration Service plugin folder:

C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service\Plugins\NSi.DeviceManagement.Plugins.Ricoh

To upload files for a single group, make sure that you upload all of the files for the group. After you upload files, you can view the files on the Files tab by selecting Ricoh ESA in the Device Type box. A named group can be selected for the Application Package option in the device settings. This setting determines the files that are installed on the MFP that is pointed to by the device Address option.

The Combined Client Xlet ( and SSO Xlet ( files can be renamed on your server before you upload them. Different names may be used to distinguish different versions or hotfixes of the Xlet files for different devices. Renaming these files does not affect their functionality.