GDPR compliance tasks

To ensure your organization complies with GDPR, there are several tasks you can perform.

Clear logs

You should clear logs every 14 days. To do this, go to the DWS Server page and click the Logs tab. Then click Clear all logs. For more information, see the DWS section of the Kofax ControlSuite Client Help.

Omit field data from logs

If you do not want to log data from certain fields, start the field names with one of the following characters:

  • @: Restricted RRT

  • $: Protected RRT

These prefixes configure AutoStore to encrypt values stored in those fields and only decrypts the values when needed for evaluation. For example, if you want to encrypt a credit card number as protected RRT, give the field the following name: $Credit_Card.

For more information about AutoStore, see the Kofax ControlSuite Help.