Download logs

Download device logs

To collect and download Ricoh device logs, complete the following steps:
  1. In a Web browser, go to http(s)://device_IP/web/entry/df/websys/direct/getSysInfo.cgi, where device_IP is the IP address for the Ricoh device.
  2. If prompted, enter the device administrator username and password.
  3. Specify the date the problem occurred.
  4. Specify number of days for the log data.
  5. Click Download.

Download Unified Client logs

To collect and download Unified Client logs, complete the following steps:
  1. In a Web browser, go to https://device_ip/rws/sop/configservlet/logs.html, where device_IP is the IP address for the Ricoh device.
  2. Enter the device username and password, as set in DRS.
  3. Download the log files.

Download rxsp debug logs

  1. Stop the DRS service.
  2. Back up the Ricoh SOP plugin NSi.DeviceManagement.Plugins.RicohSOP.dll.config config file in the C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service\Plugins folder.
  3. Open the NSi.DeviceManagement.Plugins.RicohSOP.dll.config file in a text editor.
  4. Set the property EnableRXSPDebugLogs to "true".
  5. Save the file.
  6. Start the DRS service.
  7. Run a Full Install for the DRS actions.
  8. Go to the C:\Program Files\Kofax\Device Registration Service\Service\Plugins\RXOP-SOP folder.
  9. Retrieve the logs from the rxsp folder.

Download rxinst debug logs

  1. Run DRS actions.
  2. Go to the %temp% folder or the $\Windows\temp folder, such as C:\Windows\Temp.
  3. Retrieve the logs from the rxinst folder.