Actions reference

Actions that can be performed from the Device Registration Service for a Konica Minolta iOption device.

To perform an action, select a Device profile on the Device tab in the Device Registration Service web console. Select an action from the Select Action drop-down list in the Details section and click Perform selected.

Action Description
Register Unified Client

Registers the Combined Client for Konica Minolta on the device. A button with the application name is added to the APP section on the device.

Devices are registered while the server is running, so there is no need to restart the server after adding and registering new devices.
Unregister Unified Client

Unregisters the Combined Client for Konica Minolta on the device. The button with the application name is removed from the application software section on the device.

Register Authentication

Registers authentication on the device. After you register authentication, the authentication application controls access to the device. Users cannot view the device menus and the application software section until authentication is complete.

Unregister Authentication

Unregisters authentication on the device. After you unregister authentication, the device shows the normal menu screen.