Actions reference

Actions that can be performed from the Device Registration Service for a Combined Client for Ricoh device.

To perform an action, first select a device on the Device tab in the Device Registration Service web console. Then, in the box at the top of the Details pane, click an available action to perform on the device and click the run button .

Action Description

Starts the Combined Client for Ricoh on the device.


Stops Combined Client for Ricoh on the device.


Installs the Combined Client for Ricoh on the device.


Uninstalls the Combined Client for Ricoh on the device.

Update Menus

Updates device registration configuration and menus for the AutoStore application on the device.


Restarts the device.

Install and Start

Installs the Combined Client for Ricoh on the device and then starts the Combined Client for Ricoh.

Install and Reboot

Installs the Combined Client for Ricoh on the device and then restarts the device.