Create a record alert

  1. Click and drag the Alerts Grid onto the View area.
  2. Open the View in the Viewer application or in the Preview mode in Studio.

Alert properties tab

To configure the alert, launch the wizard screen by clicking the New record alert.

  1. Specify the title of the alert. It appears in the Alerts Grid as the alert title and can be used as a subject line in the email of the alert.
  2. Specify the severity of the alert. Select Critical to display this alert in a pop-up window. Select Important or Informational according to your needs.
  3. Enter the description for your alert. For the alerts generated on records, you may use the fields from the corresponding objects to customize the alert, such as "Alert for <country>."
  4. Frequency and Time Intervals:

    • Use Check for alerts every to specify the frequency to check alerts.

    • Use the Starting from field to specify the start date/time of the time interval.

      For example, if the "Starting from" date is set to 4/1/2016 12:00AM, the time interval for checking an alert is from 4/1/2016 to the current date. The time interval keeps growing.

    • To restrict the time to a specific length in time, select the Check backward check box and specify the length (in days, weeks, months, years, and so on).

      For example, if "Check backward" is selected and set to one week and "Check for alerts every" is set to one day, then the check is performed daily for an alert with the time interval from the current time to the past week. If the check backward period is older than the start from date/time, then the "start from date/time" is used as the "from date/time."

    • Select the Escalate unresolved message in to send the message to the recipients defined on Email options tab.

Condition tab

To set conditions based on record values, you need to select a record and set the conditions for filtering it. These filters are added to the message header.

The maximum number of messages that can be generated simultaneously is defined by the Insight.Alerts.MaxMessagesCount parameter in the web.config file located in the WcfDataService directory in the Insight installation directory.

  1. Browse for the record. Fields from the record are retrieved and displayed. Set the filters as required.
  2. Select the Send record data by email check box if you need to send the record data by email. If this check box is selected, the Details template is not used.
  3. Select the Automatically resolve the alert... check box to resolve the alert if a set of defined conditions is not satisfied. The messages are not returned for such alerts.

Do not send tab

Use this tab to set the conditions when the same messages should not be resent.

You can set the following conditions.

  • Time from the same alert less than: If this option is selected, the same alert is resent only after the defined term is over.

  • Until the same alert is resolved: The same message has not been yet resolved. If this option is selected, the next alert is generated only when the same alert is resolved.

  • Same alert was already issued. If this option is selected, regeneration of the alert happens only when the previous instance of this alert is removed under Admin Console > Alerts.

Visibility tab

Use this tab to set the recipients for the alerts. The alerts can either be sent to an email address or displayed within the Insight system. If the alerts are set to be shown to Insight users, you must define a role that allows alerts to be viewed. Users assigned with this role can see the alerts in the Alert Messages Grid (for all alerts) or in the pop-up window (for critical alerts).

  1. Select a role from the Roles for the new messages list to define who can view the new messages.
  2. Select a role from the Roles for escalated messages list to define who can view the escalated messages.

Email options tab

Use this tab to set up the email template in plain or rich text to receive the alerts by email. The following options are available.

Delivery option

  • Send each alert message in a separate email: Use this option to send each alert message in a separate email.

  • Add all recipients to "To" list: Select this check box to add all recipients to the "To" list.


Use this group to define the following settings.

  • Recipients for new messages

  • Recipients for escalated messages

  • Recipients for resolved messages

You can send alert messages to several recipients using a comma or a colon to separate the email addresses. Also, you can send the alert messages to different recipients based on the required conditions. The procedure below covers the steps for new messages.

  1. In the Recipients group, to open the Recipients for resolved messages screen, click Advanced.

  2. For records, you can send the new alert messages to a set of emails defined in the email field. If such field is available, select it from the Email field list. This setting does not affect steps 3 through 6; you can define any of the settings or all of them.

  3. On the Recipients for resolved messages screen, click Add new data.

  4. Select the required values from the list to set the condition and click OK.

  5. Optional. You can select the Exclude check box instead of selecting multiple values.

  6. Add the Recipients respectively. Use a semicolon to separate the email addresses.

  7. Click OK to save the changes.

Email subject and email body

You can select the values from the Add field to template list and click Insert to use them for the email subject and the email body template. A set of fields determines what information is reflected in the email.

Field name



Title of the alert.


A set of conditions defined on the Conditions tab.


Description of the alert set on the Alert properties tab.


A set of fields defined on the Conditions tab.

Message URL

A link to display the alert message in Insight Viewer. You can use this link to share the alert message and forward it.


Determines the reason why this alert message is sent. The value is assigned automatically. The following options are available: New, Resolved, Escalated.


The severity of the alert is defined on the Alert properties tab.


Status of the alert is assigned automatically: Created, Correlated (assigned after alert escalation), and Resolved.

Viewer URL

A link to the root Viewer. You can set the URL in Admin Console > Options.

Web service configuration tab

Use the tab to make a web service call once an alert is triggered. Only the URL tab is required; the other fields are optional. By default, it sends an HTTP GET request. Select a template for the web service call configuration, which is created under the Remote Services on the Documents Tree.

Use the scrollbar to navigate within the form.

  1. Verify that you have a saved remote service document located under the Documents Tree > Remote Services in Studio.
  2. Web Service: Select the remote service document by clicking the ellipsis button. For example, AlertService.
  3. Add query string parameters: Add a number of query strings to pass as parameters with the web service call. Click the Add new parameter link to add them. For records, add the field name.
  4. Optional. Use the HTTP Headers tab to send data in the HTTP header.
  5. Optional. On the Data tab, use the Add field to data list to include the parameters in the service method response.
  6. Optional. Click Test to test the web service request.