
You can view a bullet graph as a replacement for dashboard gauges and meters: It presents a single, primary measure, such as a monthly company revenue, compares that measure to one or multiple other measures for better representation, such as compared to a target monthly revenue, and then displays it in the context of qualitative ranges of performance.

  • The center line represents the actual value.
  • The dark vertical line represents a target value.
  • The colored bands represent ranges of performance, such as poor, satisfactory, and good.

To use the bullet graph for visualization, complete the following procedure.

  1. On the view, select the required metric grid and open the Data wizard.
  2. In the Data wizard, add the required series, enter the display name, and then set the required filters and groups as applicable.
  3. In the Display wizard, under the Series Settings group, select the data series from the list, and then set the Select cell type option to Bullet.
  4. Select the Align bullet charts by max value from all rows option to adjust the graph. We recommend that you use this option when you set the Target range to Series.
  5. Select Custom color for the Actual values.
  6. Use the drop-down lists to set the reference for the Target, Poor, Satisfactory, and Good ranges. Available options include Fixed values and Series.
  7. Select the Custom color check box and set the required color for the range in the drop-down list as applicable.